Matt Trant

Matt Trant is a 33 year Washington veteran who is Of Counsel to Alexander, Borovcika & O’Shea Government Solutions, LLC and a partner of The National Group since 2004 after serving as Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff at another major DC lobbying firm. Matt represents clients in all of the firm’s practice areas and heads the Transportation & Infrastructure group.
Matt has served in senior capacities in Congress as well as in the Administration. He worked on Capitol Hill for 9 years, serving as Chief of Staff and Legislative Director to U.S. Representative Peter Blute (R-MA), a member of the House Committee on Transportation & Infrastructure and as a staff assistant to the late Congressman Silvio O. Conte (R-MA), Ranking Member on the House Appropriations Committee.
He served as an appointee in the Administration of President George H. W. Bush in Intergovernmental Relations at the U.S. Department of Transportation under then-Secretary Andrew Card and in Congressional Affairs at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).
Prior to beginning his lobbying career, Matt served as Deputy Executive Director of the Massachusetts Port Authority where he was responsible for overseeing and directing the day to day operations of the agency comprised of Logan International Airport and the Port of Boston, among other major assets.
As a Partner of The National Group, Matt represents a wide range of clients on funding and policy issues related to education, research, defense, energy, technology, homeland security, health care, transportation, economic development and other areas.
Matt has worked on a number of national, state and local political campaigns and was a supervisor for the Bush-Cheney campaign in the Florida Recount during the 2000 Presidential election.
He is President of the Dan Trant Scholarship Foundation in Western Massachusetts and serves on the Boards of the Bethesda Little League and KOA youth sports organization.
Matt was born and raised in Western Massachusetts and holds a B.A. degree from the University of Maryland at College Park.